5 Aging In Place Bathroom Safety Tips


As you age, it becomes increasingly important to take measures to ensure your safety in your own home. One of the most important areas to focus on is your bathroom.

Here are five aging-in-place bathroom safety tips from

  1. Install a walk-in bathtub. A walk-in bathtub is a great way to make your bathroom more accessible and safe for seniors. With a walk-in bathtub, you don’t have to worry about stepping over a high threshold or climbing into a bathtub. offers a wide variety of walk-in bathtubs to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.
  2. Add grab bars. Grab bars are a great way to add stability and safety to your bathroom. Place them around the bathtub, next to the toilet, or in other areas where you might need them.
  3. Upgrade your faucets. Faucets that are hard to turn or have sharp edges can be a safety hazard for seniors. Upgrade to faucets that are easier to operate, have rounded edges, and are ADA compliant.
  4. Add a non-slip mat to your shower. A non-slip mat can help reduce the risk of slips and falls in the shower.
  5. Use a toilet seat riser. A toilet seat riser can make it easier for seniors to sit down and stand up from the toilet. It can also be helpful for those with mobility issues.

Call to make your bathroom more accessible and safer as you age! We provide walk-in tub services to homeowners across the country including Phoenix walk-in bathtubs.

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